Step into a world of surrealism and imagination or contemplative representation of known places in our world with visionary art that explores consciousness, spirituality, and the infinite possibilities within and without boundaries we all take for granted.
BATHROOM MURAL, Detail, artist's home, Las Vegas, NM.
Lawrence has painted a variety of murals, both interior and exterior, large and small, commercial and residential, imaginary and after the fact or existent place.
All but two examples shown on this page above were created on location, but installations (see Art In Shelters, this website) are also possible and often favored. Art that is painted in studio and then transported to a site, sometimes in sections, has the advantage of being able to be relocated with the client. It also affords less disruption to a client's ongoing business as well as to the artist and her process.
Incorporating 3D elements into a mural can bring the vision into a room and make it a more visceral experience.
In the 11X22 foot mural shown above ("Waterfall"), dried grasses and faux flowers have been integrated by attachment to drywall at the foreground.
The initial concept had also included the addition of a full length sandbox with rocks and working fountain along the base, bringing a natural sound into the room.
Yet, even without those additions, the softly enlivened mural set a peaceful atmosphere for a waiting room in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
In contrast, "Made For dancing," the 11X50 foot landscape mural in a Santa Fe dance studio as pictured above, created a more imaginative active environment with "fantasy palette" and the benefit of a reflection in a full length mirror opposite the painting, which allowed participants to feel that they were entering the surreal when they walked in the door and witnessed themselves stepping into it.